
Checking in …

We are four weeks into the school year, so I wanted to take a moment to just check in. Parents … you good? I know it takes our family a while to settle into the school year routine and I feel like we’re finally in a solid groove. What do you need for support? Teachers […]


What a busy time of year!

I know a lot of local candidates are out knocking on doors, attending events, and generally working their magic on the campaign trail. It’s amazing to see and I commend their efforts. I will get to that point … in a week or so. Right now I have PTO commitments to attend to, a kiddo […]


“What kind of name is Imke anyway?” 

People won’t be shocked to hear that I am confronted with this question on a regular basis, so I figure I’ll just drop a little name/family history right here.   Imke (2 syll. im-ka, imk-a) is a German name.  My mother is German and I am quite proud to be named after her sister, my Tante (aunt) […]


Parental musings …

Yesterday, my son came home and told me all about the YouTube video he was watching on his friend’s cellphone while on the bus.  Sounds relatively unremarkable, until I add that the kids riding this bus are under the age of ten.   We all know that the world of YouTube can be crazy and toxic, […]


As it turns out … people really like to know where their candidates are from. 

I know many see my name and are curious, so for those who are wondering … I grew up in Brewer.  3 Willow Way was my address and yes, I still remember our old landline phone number.  My childhood best friend, who grew up just across the street from me, remains my best friend to this day.   […]


3rd Street resident … and proud of it

Last year, during campaign season, someone said to me “we really do need more people like you moving into that section of town.”  It has stuck with me ever since. Our house is on 3rd Street. That’s right … 3rd Street. One of those lower numbered streets that gets a bad rap. People often look […]


Here we go again!

I have been asked with increased frequency lately, so I’ll just drop this right here … YES, I plan to run again this election cycle You know the rhythm – I’ll be collecting signatures in August to get on the ballot and then (once all that’s taken care of) the fun begins. In the meantime, […]


A final appeal …

Language is a powerful thing.  The words we use can unite the masses and move us toward our collective goals, or they can work to fuel a divisive culture and hinder progress.   As you think about who deserves your vote for Bangor School Committee, I urge you to carefully consider not only what each candidate says […]


A vote for balanced, compassionate leadership

Less than a week until Election Day!   I know the majority of voters have already made their decisions and that many have already voted, but for those who haven’t, this message is for you.   While some may think that the School Committee race is less important than the City Council – that really couldn’t be […]


Voter Registration

Ready to vote, but are unsure of how to register?  Having worked voter registration at the last two elections, I can confidently tell you that it is an easy process.   The following is from  Where do I register? Voter Registration is available for new voters or for existing Bangor voters to change their […]