
Feeling conflicted …

I am really not a big fan of political campaigning.  I never have been.  This makes the entire process of running for municipal office rather interesting.  The issue, when it comes right down to it, is that I see my fellow candidates as future collaborators more than competitors.  Each one comes to the table with great ideas and a passion for serving the community and it is easy for me to identify where our visions overlap.  This leaves me feeling rather conflicted at times.  Particularly when I think about filling out my own ballot.

I’ve been advised to bullet vote (a term I just learned), but I feel weird about that, because it goes against my generally supportive nature.  Don’t get me wrong … I want to win … but I don’t want it so badly that I’ll compromise my values.  

Thankfully, there is still time to make a well-informed decision.  That goes for all of us.  Regardless of the outcome, we are all here for the same reason; to ensure our children continue to have access to the best education possible in the best city in the state of Maine.