
Food AND Medicine Endorsement

I am quite excited and proud to announce that Food AND Medicine (FAM) has officially endorsed my campaign for the Bangor School Committee.  FAM is a grassroots, membership-based organization working in the Greater Bangor region with a mission to “organize, educate, and empower workers and our communities in the fight for economic and social justice.”  […]


Feeling conflicted …

I am really not a big fan of political campaigning.  I never have been.  This makes the entire process of running for municipal office rather interesting.  The issue, when it comes right down to it, is that I see my fellow candidates as future collaborators more than competitors.  Each one comes to the table with […]


Bangor is conducting a “Walking Audit” …

If you know me, you already know that I walk … a lot.  It’s not unusual for me to log four to five miles each day.  Sometimes when I walk with my son, we decide to bust out our best dance moves and boogie our way through town.   That said, it won’t surprise anyone that I was […]


This should not be normal …

I was a teenager when the Columbine massacre occurred and little has been done to address the root cause of such events.  Active shooter drills and shelter-in-place education have been normalized, so much so that many students no longer take them seriously.  They are just another part of the overall school experience and do little […]


Reflections from the campaign trail …

As a candidate running for a spot on the Bangor School Committee, I field a lot of questions about why I am running, what my goals are, and who I see as my biggest competitor.  Those are all valid questions, but those aren’t things I want to address today.  Instead, I would like to take […]


Compassion and Understanding

It’s no secret that the pandemic has had an impact on most everyone’s mental health, but as a parent I am particularly concerned about our teachers and students.  I am sure many of you feel the same.   As we continue to navigate this school year and look beyond to a post-COVID world, it is […]


Measuring success …

Of the many goals I have as a future Bangor School Committee member, one of the most important to me is changing the way we talk about student success.  It has been my own experience that students who show an aptitude for traditional academics are held up as the gold standard and quickly put on […]


Bangor High School launches new diversity program!

When our educational institutions are grounded in acceptance and understanding, there is more room for all to grow and thrive. When you cut through the divisive rhetoric that has taken over the discussion of diversity in K-12 education, we can all find common ground. ALL students, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, deserve […]


Taking care of teachers

After reading, what feels like, the millionth article about teacher shortages across the country, I am left with one particular question swirling around my mind:  What does the Bangor School Department do to make space for teachers and staff to engage in regular self-care routines?  Seriously.  Think about it.  When have you ever seen a […]


Thank you to our Bangor School Teachers and Staff!

Today I want to take a moment to give a big shout out to all of the teachers and staff members in the Bangor School Department.  These first three weeks of school have been a bit of a beast to navigate, but our teachers and staff have managed it all with compassion and grace.  To […]